- New Home Page & Featured Content
- Updates to Featured Content (Early Access)
- Images in Featured Content
- “Seen by” metrics in Featured Content
- Sort Featured Content by New and Urgent
- Link Chapters in Featured Content
- Learning Pathways
- Improved Reporting: Export CSV
- Field Manager-initiated Password Reset
- User Management
- DUAA Admin Enhancements
- Did you know? Great brain teaser to challenge your mental vitality and flexibility
Updates to Featured Content (Early Access)
Thank you to those customers who continue to participate in our Early Access program for the new home page and featured content. Since this is an early access period, you may, periodically, see updates and changes in your system. Most updates won’t be obvious, but a few new changes could impact how featured content looks and works if you’ve already turned it on.
In case you missed it, you can read more about Featured Content in the June 2022 Release Notes.
In order to make image upload and cropping easier for authors, we are changing the way images look. Previously, images were required to be at least 800px x 167px. We removed the restrictions on image size when you upload an image for featured content. Featured content images will now display in a 4:3 format. Your existing featured content images will change to 4:3, which can cause them to look distorted or blurry.
How the images looked before:
How new images will look (please note, this is a prototype and may look slightly different when completed):
“Seen By” Metrics
Previously, the “Seen by” metrics were inaccurate. We are changing this, so you may suddenly see a change in the “Seen by” metrics on the featured content overview page. The new number will now reflect the number of people that have clicked on a piece of featured content. Note that this number is not the same as the number of users who clicked the “Mark as Read” button. You can see that number, as always, in Tableau under “Notice Clickthru.”
Sort Featured Content by New and Urgent
You can now sort your featured content by New or Urgent.
Link Chapters in Featured Content
You can now link to Inkdoc chapters, pages, and whole Inkdocs in Featured Content.
Read more details about featured content in the support documentation here:
Inkling Administrator Guide - Ch. 10: Featured Content / Notices Administration
Learning Pathways
Improved Reporting: Export CSV
- Building upon the recently released improved reporting functionality for managers and supervisors, Inkling now supports an export as CSV.
Field Manager-initiated Password Reset
- When enabled, Field Managers can initiate a password reset for a team member. The password is reset to the organization default password so that it can be easily conveyed to the user in question. Upon entering the organization default password, the user will be prompted to set a new password before proceeding.
Read more details about this release in the support documentation here (Ch. 2 > For Field Managers / Supervisors)
Distributed User Admin Enhancements
Multi Location Account
App Admins can now use one account to access any location (store/property) and act as that manager to create users. In the same workflow, App Admins can also move a learner from one location to another.
- App Admins can edit the locations (stores/properties) in my organization via a bulk upload.
- App Admins can export the current property and user tables for their organization.
- Optionally, when new users are created in the DUAA App, they can be sent a confirmation email that their profile has been created.
- Multiple DUAA Managers can manage users for one location (store/property).
Read more details about this release in the support documentation here: LINK (Ch. 16)
Just for Fun!
22 brain exercises to improve memory, cognition, and creativity
The brain is the most complex organ of the body. It regulates multiple bodily functions, interprets incoming sensory information, and processes our emotions. It is also the seat of memory, intelligence, and creativity.
This article outlines 22 brain exercises that may help boost memory, cognition, and creativity.
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